The average consumer has a hard time understanding Mezcal. Heck, the average gringx bartender has a hard time understanding Mezcal! In fact, this entire podcast is about me trying to understand Mezcal! So should we add to that confusion with limited-edition releases? Does that obfuscate the limited nature of many of these expressions to begin with? It’s an unlimited amount of questions in this special-release episode of Agave Road Trip! Agave Road Trip is a critically acclaimed, award-winning podcast that helps gringx bartenders better understand agave, agave spirits, and rural Mexico. This episode is hosted by Lou Bank with special guest Linda Sullivan of seynasecreto.
Shout outs this episode to Mezonte, Off Premise: Wine, Agave, Whiskey & Craft Beer, and Alambique Serrano Single-Origin Oaxacan Rum!